Hotels and accommodation near Playa Santa Ana

Hotels near Playa Santa Ana

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The best hotels near Playa Santa Ana

Fancy taking a trip to Playa Santa Ana? Stay at one of these nearby hotels so you don't miss out on anything

Fascinating places around Playa Santa Ana

These are other fascinating places that you can't miss if you're thinking about visiting Playa Santa Ana

About Playa Santa Ana

Santa Ana esta separada por un dique artificial de la playa Torre Bermeja-Malapesca, Santa Ana es una playa cómoda y bien equipada. A lo largo de su paseo marítimo se extienden varios chiringuitos, restaurantes y tiendas.Destacaríamos desde Santa Ana la vista al Castillo Bil-Bil, construcción moderna que se utiliza como centro de exposiciones y conferencias.

Playa Santa Ana