
7 nights sailing from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) on cruise ship Star Legend

from £2,758 Price per person based on double occupancy

Cruise Oman

7 nights sailing from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) on cruise ship Star Legend

from £2,758 Price per person

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Click on a price to choose a departure date and cabin type Price per person based on double occupancy.

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Ocean View

Star Porthole Suite SP

Suite vista mar S

Suite vista mar S1

Star Suite vista mar SS1

Suite vista mar S2

Suite vista mar S3


Balcony Suite BS

Star Balcony Suite SBS

Balcony Suite BS1

Star Balcony Suite SBS1

Deluxe Suite DS


Classic Suite CS

Owner`s Suite OW

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Cruise Itinerary

Full Itinerary
Day 1 Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Embarkation | Departure: 17:00H
Day 2-3-4-5-6-7 at sea
Day 8 Muscat (Oman) Arrival time: 08:00H | Departure: 23:59H 15 hours in destination
Oman Cruise itinerary  - WindStar Cruises


7 nights Cruise on Star Legend.

Oman Cruise itinerary  - WindStar Cruises
Oman Cruise itinerary  - WindStar Cruises

Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)

Jeddah is a city located on the coast of the Red Sea and is the major city of the western Saudi Arabia. It is the principal gateway to Mecca and Medina Islam's holiest cities, and a great commercial city in Saudi Arabia. Jeddah lies along the coast of the RedSea, connected to the the Corniche, open-air sculptures and works of art, typically situated in roundabouts, making the city one of the largest open-air art galleries in the world. You will find about a dozen museums or collections in Jeddah such as: Jeddah Regional Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, the Jeddah Municipal Museum, the Nasseef House, the Humane Heritage Museum or the private Abdul Rauf Hasan Khali Museum.

See cruises from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
Oman Cruise itinerary  - WindStar Cruises

Muscat (Oman)

This country will catch you slowly, with no hurries. First with the odours, like incense; after, with the flavours, sweet like the dates and the tea; and finally with the people, simple and friendly, and with a naivety nearly childis. Here you will find the Sultans Palace and the original city port, flanked with the forts Jalali and Mirani.

See cruises to Muscat (Oman)

The ship: Star Legend

Year renovated 2015
Beam 19 m.
Length 134 m.
Tonnage 9.975 tn.
Occupancy 212
Crew 153
Ratio passenger / crew Luxury 1:1
Ratio tonnage/passengers Excellent 47:1
Number of decks 6
Number of staterooms 106
Number of staterooms with balcony 36
See Star Legend technical details
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