
Discover its greatness

Cordoba, life and inspiration


 Cordoba seduces every single visitor with its breathtaking cities and its exuberant nature, with activities for all tastes, fun-filled fiestas and an exquisite cuisine.

The Mezquita de Córdoba,

a must-see on your trip

The best of the East in the West

You simply cannot miss Western Islam's most important monument and one of the most impressive buildings in the whole world. Its architecture sums up the complete evolution of the Umayyad style in Spain, as well as the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles of Christian buildings. From ancient times, there were temples on this site, used to worship different divinities. In the times of the Visigoths, the basilica of San Vicente was built here, which gave way to the primitive mosque. This outstanding basilica was for a period of time a place of worship for Christians and Muslims, but when the population was mostly Muslim, Abderraman I built the first Alhama Mosque, where you can see Visigoth elements in the first section of Abderraman I. The Gran Mezquita de Córdoba has two distinct areas, the courtyard, where the minaret stands (below the Renaissance tower) and the prayer room. The dramatic red and white columns and arcades inside the mosque are truly jaw-dropping. A must-visit, and even better by night.

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