
Flights Geneva Munich

Geneva - Munich
Cheap Flights to Munich from Geneva

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Useful flight information from Geneva to Munich

Departure airportGeneva, Sion
Arrival airportMunich, Muehlhausen

All airports in Geneva

The IATA code for the airport Geneva is GVA

Geneva International Airport ( GVA), formerly known as Cointrin Airport and officially as Genève Aéroport, is an airport serving Geneva, Switzerland. It is located 2.5 mi northwest of the city centre and has direct connections to motorways, bus lines (Geneva Public Transport) and railways (SBB-CFF-FFS). Its northern limit runs along the Swiss-French border and the airport can be accessed from both countries. Passengers on flights to or from France do not have to go through Swiss customs and immigration controls if they remain in the French sector of the airport. The freight operations are also accessible from both countries, making Geneva a European Union freight hub although Switzerland is not a member of the EU. The airport is partially located within the commune of Meyrin and partially in the commune of Grand-Saconnex.



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All airports in Munich

The IATA code for the airport Munich is MUC

Munich International airport (also known as Franz Josef Strauß International Airport) is located 28km to the northeast of the city. Buses and trains run from the airport to central Munich and the surrounding districts of Altstadt-Lehel, Haidhausen, Maxvorstadt and Schwabing. Munich Airport operates two terminals from which a large number of airlines provide flights to domestic, European and international destinations, with total annual passenger numbers over 38 million.



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Reasons to book your Geneva - Munich tickets with Logitravel

Travel from Geneva to Munich at the best price

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Weather forecast in Munich

Frequently asked questions about the Geneva to Munich route

The distance between Geneva and Munich is 490 kilometers.

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