
Flights London Palermo

London - Palermo
Cheap Flights to Palermo from London

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Cheapest flights from London to Palermo

Useful flight information from London to Palermo

Flights from London to Palermo cover a distance of 1809 kilometers and take on average 3h 50m. The cheapest price for this route is 121£.

Departure airportLondon, London - Luton, Southend, London - Stansted, London City Airport, London - Gatwick, London Heathrow
Arrival airportPalermo, Trapani
Flight priceFrom 121£
Duration3h 50m
stopoversThere are direct flights

All airports in London

London is served by five airports: Heathrow, Gatwick, Stanstead, Luton and London City. Heathrow: Is located approximately 20 miles to the west of central London and is the busiest of the five. It currently has five terminals and excellent communication links to central London. Gatwick: Is located 30 miles to the south of London, it has two terminals from which 70 airlines fly to over 200 worldwide destinations. Stansted: Is located 35 miles to the north-east of London and is considered the city's third major airport. London City: Is located 10 miles to the east of London and offers regular airlines to more than 20 European cities. London Luton: Is located 30 miles north of London, it offers good transport links both to the city and the rest of the country.

The IATA code for the airport London - Gatwick is LGW

Gatwick airport is located 46km south of London and is the second largest airport in the city. The airport has two terminals, North and South, from which 70 airlines fly to over 200 worldwide destinations.



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All airports in Palermo

The IATA code for the airport Palermo is PMO



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Reasons to book your London - Palermo tickets with Logitravel

Travel from London to Palermo from just £243

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Weather forecast in Palermo

Frequently asked questions about the London to Palermo route

The cheapest month to fly from London to Palermo is July.