
Flights Leeds Lanzarote

Leeds - Lanzarote
Cheap Flights to Lanzarote from Leeds

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Cheapest flights from Leeds to Lanzarote

Useful flight information from Leeds to Lanzarote

Flights from Leeds to Lanzarote cover a distance of 2936 kilometers and take on average 4h 25m. The cheapest price for this route is 60£.

Departure airportLeeds, Doncaster, Harrogate, Hatfield, Manchester, Sheffield City
Arrival airportLanzarote
Flight priceFrom 60£
Duration4h 25m
stopoversThere are direct flights

All airports in Leeds

The IATA code for the airport Leeds is LBA

Leeds Bradford Airport is located 11 miles west of Leeds and 7 miles north of Bradford. It is easily accessible from several major motorways and public transport services. Today Leeds Bradford Airport is a major northern gateway with direct flights to many UK and European destinations, seeing more than 2 million passengers a year through its doors.



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Lanzarote Airport

The IATA code for the airport Lanzarote is ACE

Lanzarote Airport (ACE) is located on the island of Lanzarote, the 4th largest of the Canary Islands and the closest to Africa. Located 5 kilometers from the capital of Arrecife, the airport is the 10th busiest airport in Spain with over 4.9 million passengers annually. The airport has added a second terminal building specifically designed to handle national and inter-island flights. The new terminal features a mural by island artist Cesar Manrique that was rescued from the old building. Taxis, buses and rental cars are available for transportation around the island. The airport has over 40 airlines with non-stop service throughout Spain and the rest of Europe. http://www.aena-aeropuertos.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-Lanzarote/en/Home.html



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Reasons to book your Leeds - Arrecife tickets with Logitravel

Travel from Leeds to Arrecife from just £121

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Weather forecast in Arrecife

Frequently asked questions about the Leeds to Lanzarote route

The cheapest month to fly from Leeds to Lanzarote is June.

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