
Flights Miami Barcelona

Miami - Barcelona
Cheap Flights to Barcelona from Miami

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Cheapest flights from Miami to Barcelona

Useful flight information from Miami to Barcelona

Flights from Miami to Barcelona cover a distance of 7544 kilometers and take on average 15h 10m. The cheapest price for this route is 258£.

Departure airportMiami, Watson island international, Kendall-tamiami executive, Islandia fl, Fort lauderdale - intl, Fort lauderdale - executive, Homestead
Arrival airportBarcelona, Girona, Lleida, Reus
Flight priceFrom 258£
Duration15h 10m
stopoversThere are direct flights

All airports in Miami

The IATA code for the airport Miami is MIA



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All airports in Barcelona

The IATA code for the airport Barcelona is BCN

Barcelona-El Prat Airport is located south-west of the city, just three kilometres from the Port of Barcelona, one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean for container traffic and a market leader in the cruise sector. It is also located near the Zona Franca (Free Zone) Consortium, one of the most important industrial and logistical parks in Spain. Barcelona-El Prat Airport constitutes a cornerstone of the Catalan economy and is particularly important for the business sector and tourism industry. To modernise and prepare Barcelona-El Prat Airport for future air traffic demands, major improvements to infrastructure and services are currently being undertaken. The Barcelona Plan has transformed the airport with the construction of a new terminal area and the extension of the airfield with a new runway, in addition to other relevant infrastructures. Apart from the Barcelona Plan, Aena Aeropuertos continues to invest in the expansion of the airport, thereby ensuring that it remains one of the most important in the south of Europe and consolidating Barcelona-El Prat's position as a major European hub airport, increasing both its domestic and international connection. Barcelona-El Prat airport has two large terminal buildings: T1 and T2. Flights may arriva/depart to/from either of the two terminals. Several bus lines run from the airport to central Barcelona, nearby towns and other places in Catalonia and Andorra. Estimated travel time: 35 minutes to Plaza Catalunya. The local train service connects the airport to Barcelona and other towns in Catalonia: El Prat de Llobregat, Granollers, etc.Estimated travel time: 27 minutes to Passeig de Gràcia. For more information click on: http://www.aena-aeropuertos.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-Barcelona/en/Page/1045569607435//Introduction.html



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Reasons to book your Miami - Barcelona tickets with Logitravel

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Weather forecast in Barcelona

Frequently asked questions about the Miami to Barcelona route

The cheapest month to fly from Miami to Barcelona is August.